
Calendar of Al Mobadara's main past and future events.

Rentrée Scolaire Sous le Signe de l’Espoir

<p>L'association Al Mobadara a vécu des moments exceptionnels avec ses ...

Agenda 2024-09-09
Campagne Médicale et Humanitaire à Ighil

<p>Dans le cadre du programme de secours et de développement des zones ...

Agenda 2024-08-06
caravane médicale pour les familles victimes de séisme

<p>&nbsp;L’association Al Mobadara et en coordination avec son nouveau ...

Agenda 2024-01-03
Célébration de la journée internationale de la langue Arabe

<p>Nos orphelines de L’orphelinat de Kenitra « Dar Raidate » gérée par ...

Agenda 2023-12-21
Réouverture de l'orphelinat Dar Atfal Hay Hasani

<p>The Initiative association for Social Solidarity "AL Mobadara" is g ...

Agenda 2023-12-19
Activités parascoalires au sein des orphelinats| Al Mobadara

<p>Depuis sa création Al Mobadara met Les activités parascolaires au c ...

Agenda 2023-11-28
Al Mobadara continue ses interventions dans la région Haouz

<p>Grace à votre générosité l'association Al Mobadara continue ses int ...

Agenda 2023-11-13
Training for orphan girls on computer tools

<p>Aware of the importance of computer tools, the Dar Raidate orphanag ...

Agenda 2023-11-02
Orphelinat | Association Al Mobadara

<p>Al Mobadara est une association nationale reconnue d’utilité publiq ...

Agenda 2023-10-11
Judo Sessions| Kenitra Orphanage

After the return of the <p>orphans of the Al Mobadara association, whi ...

Agenda 2023-10-09
200 school bags for our orphans

The Al Mobadara association is a <p>national association recognized as ...

Agenda 2023-09-26
Accueil des bénéficiaires de l'orphelinat |Al Mobadara

<p>In an atmosphere of joy and happiness, the Dar Raidate orphanage re ...

Agenda 2023-09-04
Our Orphans in an outing to the exotic gardens

<p>As part of the study and entertainment outings, the beneficiaries o ...

Agenda 2023-07-26
Educational and social support | Al Mobadara

<p>As part of the educational and social support of our orphans, the A ...

Agenda 2023-07-21
Child Rearing Training | Al Mobadara

<p>As part of strengthening the internal skills of the staff of the Al ...

Agenda 2023-07-12
Celebration of the festival of Eid el adha

<p>After organizing the solidarity campaign of Eid el adha named "Let' ...

Agenda 2023-06-29
End of year party at Al Mobadara

<p>The Al Mobadara association congratulates all its orphans who obtai ...

Agenda 2023-06-24
International Widows' Day

<p>International Widows' Day is a day of honour for widows who are wom ...

Agenda 2023-06-23
End of year for the Rohama center in Kenitra

<p>After a year of hard work, our members of the Rohama training  cent ...

Agenda 2023-06-17
Sortie au Salon international de l'Edition et du Livre

<p>Ce samedi 10 juin, les filles de l'orphelinat de Dar Raidate ont eu ...

Agenda 2023-06-10
Semaine de baccalauréat pour nos jeunes orphelins

<p>A partir de ce 06 juin 2023, les lycéens marocains débutent leurs é ...

Agenda 2023-06-05
Homework help for orphans in Al Mobadara

<p>The end of the school year is imminent, which means that exams are ...

Agenda 2023-05-27
Awareness Day for Widows of Al Mobadara

<p>On May 18, the moderators of Dar Raidate came to the multifunctiona ...

Agenda 2023-05-18
Honor to the Palestinian flag in Dar Raidate

<p>On May 18, the girls of Dar Raidate were able to commemorate the Pa ...

Agenda 2023-05-18
The orphanage is delighted to welcome the Joy association

<p>This weekend, the beneficiaries of the Dar Mobdioune orphanage in T ...

Agenda 2023-05-13
Support activities for orphan girls| Al Mobadara

<p>As part of the accompaniment and follow-up of the beneficiaries of ...

Agenda 2023-05-05
Orientation session for Dar Mobdoune orphans

<p>The beneficiaries of the Dar Mobdioune's Temara orphanage of the 3r ...

Agenda 2023-05-03
Orphan Honouring | Sponsoring Association

<p>After a spiritual month full of charity and solidarity, Dar Raidate ...

Agenda 2023-04-28
Review of the Ramadan campaign 1444-2023| Al Mobadara

<p>As the month of Ramadan is a month of charity and sharing of excell ...

Agenda 2023-04-20
Distribution of fast-breaking meals| Al Mobadara

<p>The month of Ramadan is, every year, a highlight for the Al Mobadar ...

Agenda 2023-04-13
Ftour atmosphere at the Dar Raidate orphanage | Al Mobadara

<p>As every year, during this holy month the association Al Mobadara o ...

Agenda 2023-04-10
Distribution of the first tranche of Ramadan baskets

<p>Every year, thanks to your generosity and the mobilization of the v ...

Agenda 2023-03-30
Tamara Orphanage hosts mission school

<p>The beneficiaries of the Dar Mobdioune orphanage had the pleasure o ...

Agenda 2023-03-25
Food and education of children | widows Al Mobadara

<p>On the occasion of International Women's Day, the multifunctional w ...

Agenda 2023-03-08
Orphans of Al Mobadara in a visit to BAM

<p>In an exceptional initiative led by the Bank Al Maghreb "BAM" team ...

Agenda 2023-03-06
The orphans of Al Mobadara on an outing in Ifran

<p>The Dar Mobdioune orphanage organized an outing for little orphans ...

Agenda 2023-02-25
Road Safety Workshop| Al Mobadara Orphanage

<p>The Dar Raidate orphanage in Kenitra did not fail to celebrate with ...

Agenda 2023-02-18
2nd tranche of food aid| Al Mobadara solidarity

<p>Thanks to your generosity, the Al Mobadara Association has been abl ...

Agenda 2023-02-15
20 orphans participate in the forestation of 3000 trees

<p>20 beneficiaries of the orphanage Dar Raidate Kenitra lived an exce ...

Agenda 2023-02-13
Self-confidence training for widows| Al Mobadara

<p>The widows of the Al Mobadara association in the Sidi Yahya Al Ghar ...

Agenda 2023-02-06
100% success rate of internal orphans| Al Mobadara

<p>The Al Mobadara association congratulates its orphans for their des ...

Agenda 2023-01-31
Al Mobadara| home 19 young executives of the DGI

<p>The Dar Raidate orphanage in Kenitra had the honor of welcoming a g ...

Agenda 2023-01-31
A morning at Lake Kenitra | Orphans Dar Raidate

<p>The girls of the orphanage of Kenitra had an appointment with natur ...

Agenda 2022-12-28
Presentation of gifts for the orphans of Temara| Al Mobadara

<p>After the organization of the charity petanque in favor of the orph ...

Agenda 2022-12-14
Judo sessions resume | Al Mobadara Orphanage

<p>The orphans of the Al Mobadara association have resumed Judo sessio ...

Agenda 2022-12-13
Accompaniment activity for orphans| Al Mobadara

<p>In order to strengthen the links between the orphans sponsored by t ...

Agenda 2022-12-08
Annual meeting with orphans| Al Mobadara

<p>The Al Mobadara association maintains the appointment of the annual ...

Agenda 2022-11-20
Charity petanque for the orphanage | Al Mobadara

<p>The Rabataccueil association has chosen the Al Mobadara association ...

Agenda 2022-11-14
Fulfillment of the orphans of Dar Raidate | AL Mobadara

<p>As part of the opening of our orphanages to their external environm ...

Agenda 2022-11-10
47th anniversary of the Green March | Al Mobadara

<p>It is in an atmosphere of joy and happiness that the orphans of the ...

Agenda 2022-11-08
Orphan Sponsorship Project| Association Al Mobadara

<p>The orphan sponsorship project is the core project within the Al Mo ...

Agenda 2022-11-01
Al Mobadara |organizes an activity for its widows

<p>The multifunctional women's center of Sidi Yahya Al Gharb managed b ...

Agenda 2022-10-24
Support courses in orphanages | Al Mobadara

<p>To succeed this school year of our orphans taken care of by the ass ...

Agenda 2022-10-18
Celebrating the Birth of Our Prophet | Al Mobadara

<p>The orphans of the two orphanages of the Al Mobadara association ce ...

Agenda 2022-10-11
Orphans of Temara in a clown workshop| Al Mobadara

<p>The entertainment component plays a key role in the education of a ...

Agenda 2022-09-30
Lancemnet Trading Training Program

<p>the orphans of the Al Mobadara association of Kenitra benefited fro ...

Agenda 2022-09-26
Entertainment output| Al Mobadara Orphanage

<p>The girls of the Dar Raidate orphanage benefit from full care provi ...

Agenda 2022-09-23
Temara Orphanage welcomes young volunteers

<p>As part of the annual program of educational and social support for ...

Agenda 2022-09-20
Distribution of school bags for our Orphans

<p>Thanks to your charity the girls of the Dar Raidate orphanage were ...

Agenda 2022-09-14
Welcomes the CEO of the Magna company at the Kenitra Orphanage

<p>After the resumption of life in our two orphanages, and in an atmos ...

Agenda 2022-09-07
Resumption of life in orphanages

<p>The Al Mobadara Association welcomes its children from the two orph ...

Agenda 2022-09-03
Holiday camps for Orphans of Al Mobadara

<p>The Al Mobadara Association organizes during the summer holidays su ...

Agenda 2022-07-22
Meditation sessions at the Kenitra Orphanage

<p>The little internal orphans of the Al Mobadara association benefit ...

Agenda 2022-07-07
Congratulations on the success of our orphans

<p>After a year of excellence and perseverance the orphans of the Almo ...

Agenda 2022-07-05
Al Mobadara brings the Joy of Eid to 211 Orphans

<p>The Almobadara Association thanks you for your generosity with the ...

Agenda 2022-07-01
End of Year Festival of the Nativity Scene Managed by| Al Mobadara

<p>The Rohama de Kenitra nursery managed by the Al Mobadara associatio ...

Agenda 2022-06-27
Al Mobadara continues its Medical Interventions

<p style="direction: ltr; text-align: left;">After performing the firs ...

Agenda 2022-06-21
Exam Preparation Atmosphere in Orphanages

<p>The Al Mobadara association puts as the main criterion for selectin ...

Agenda 2022-06-09
Activity for Al Mobadara Orphans

<p>The beneficiaries of our two orphanages "Dar Raidate" and "Dar Mobd ...

Agenda 2022-06-06
The Orphans of Sidi Yahya in an Outing to the Forest

<p>The external orphans of the Al Mobadara association benefited from ...

Agenda 2022-06-02
Al Mobadara equips a well and solar panels

<p>The achievements of the Al Mobadara association still continue in t ...

Agenda 2022-06-01
Al Mobadara funds operation to remove cyst

<p>A woman from El Youssfia has just benefited from an operation to re ...

Agenda 2022-05-30
Trading Training for Young Orphans

<p>As part of the improvement of the skills of our orphans and the str ...

Agenda 2022-05-23
Sensitization of the Orphans of Al Mobadara

<p>Orphans from the Dar Raidate orphanage in Kenitra attended an aware ...

Agenda 2022-05-17
Activité Extra Scolaires aux Orphelinats d'Al Mobadara

<p>Le deuxième semestre de l'année scolaire au cours de sa fin , le ry ...

Agenda 2022-05-13
Entertainment Outing for Our Kenitra Orphans

<p>The Rohama training and education center run by the Al Mobadara ass ...

Agenda 2022-05-09
Henne evening for the Kenitra Orphans

<p>The girls of the Dar Raidate orphanage lived an exceptional evening ...

Agenda 2022-04-28
Review of the Ramadan 2022 campaign

<p>The Al Mobadara association thanks you for your generosity and your ...

Agenda 2022-04-26
Al Mobadara Performs Tonsil Removal Operation

<p>Al Mobadara continues his surgery this time on another patient from ...

Agenda 2022-04-18
Ftour atmosphere at the Dar Raidate Orphanage

<p>Friday, April 15, the Dar Raidate orphanage experienced a special a ...

Agenda 2022-04-18
Ramadan in the Orphanages of Al Mobadara

<p>The children of the orphanages of the Al Mobadara association share ...

Agenda 2022-04-12
Execution of the First Tranche of the Ramadan Basket Project

<p>The Almobadara association announces the beginning of the operation ...

Agenda 2022-04-08
Solidarity Activity at Kenitra Orphanage

<p>As part of the opening of our orphanage "Dar Raidate" kenitra on it ...

Agenda 2022-04-05
First aid session for our orphans

<p>The orphans of Dar Riadate of Kenitra attended a session to learn t ...

Agenda 2022-03-29
Raising awareness of oral health among orphans

<p>The children of the orphanage "Dar Mobdioune" of Temara benefited f ...

Agenda 2022-03-22
Psychological accompaniment of the orphans of Al Mobadara

<p>As part of strengthening the personality of our beneficiaries of th ...

Agenda 2022-03-21
Al Mobadara continues its well drilling achievements

<p>After 45 days of exploration and drilling of 6 wells in the hope of ...

Agenda 2022-03-11
Al Mobadara celebrates International Women's Day

<p>The Almobadara association congratulates all the women of the world ...

Agenda 2022-03-08
Educational and fun morning for orphan girls

<p>The orphans of the Al mobadara association lived an unforgettable m ...

Agenda 2022-03-07
Diploma training for disadvantaged young people and women

<p>The beneficiaries of the Rohama vocational training center of kenit ...

Agenda 2022-02-24
The orphans of Al Mobadara at the playground

<p>The beneficiaries of our orphanage "Dar Mobdioune" in Temara experi ...

Agenda 2022-02-24
"Hot Winter" campaign report

<p>The Almobadara association thanks you for your generosity and for y ...

Agenda 2022-02-14
Al Mobadara performs another medical procedure

<p>Al Mobadara continues his surgeries and medical assistance for peop ...

Agenda 2022-02-09
Congratulations on the well-deserved success of our orphans

<p>The Almobadara association congratulates all its orphans who obtain ...

Agenda 2022-02-08
Almobadara continues her surgical procedures

<p>The association  "Almobadara" has just performed a surgical operati ...

Agenda 2022-02-02
Ambiance de préparation des examens finaux aux orphelinats

<p style="direction: ltr; text-align: left;">Pour réussir ce premier s ...

Agenda 2022-01-26
Al Mobadara Distributes food parcels

<p>As part of the "Hot Winter" campaign and thanks to your generosity, ...

Agenda 2022-01-24
Taekwondo Club Launch at Temara Orphanage

<p>&nbsp;As part of the program of accompaniment and development of th ...

Agenda 2022-01-18
7216 is the number of sponsored by Al Mobadara

<p>Since its creation in 2005 the Al Mobadara association has been abl ...

Agenda 2021-12-27
The life of an external social worker (2)

<p>After having exposed the different missions carried out by the soci ...

Agenda 2021-12-20
Evening to celebrate the launch of the reading workshop

<p>On the occasion of World Arabic Language Day and to instill the pas ...

Agenda 2021-12-19
Launch of reading project at the Dar Mobdioune orphanage

<p>In order to develop the reading and comprehension skills of our orp ...

Agenda 2021-12-13
Sopra banking at Dar Raidate orphanage

<p>The Dar Raidate orphanage had the honor of welcoming 3 managers of ...

Agenda 2021-12-04
The life of a social worker(3): the assistant facilitator

<p>Following the articles published on the daily life of social worker ...

Agenda 2021-11-29
The orphanage "Dar Raidate" celebrates the Green March

<p>As part of strengthening the personality of orphans benefiting from ...

Agenda 2021-11-14
"School Support" campaign for orphans

<p>"School Support" Campaign is a fundraising campaign to help orphans ...

Agenda 2021-11-10
Life of a Social Worker (2): The "Supervisor" Assistant

<p>After having exposed the role of the social worker as a mother for ...

Agenda 2021-11-08
DAR MOBDIOUN Orphanage welcomes the Ambassador of Thailand

<p>The Al Mobadara association had the honor to welcome, a delegation ...

Agenda 2021-10-27
Life of a Social Worker (1): The Assistant "Mom"

<p>The social worker plays a noble and primordial role in the daily li ...

Agenda 2021-10-21
Opening of the school year of the Rohama training center

<p>It is through a family atmosphere that the Rohama training center i ...

Agenda 2021-10-15
Correction of hearing loss for Orphan of Errachidia

<p>After performing several cardiac type surgeries, straightening of t ...

Agenda 2021-10-13
Entertainment activity for the Orphans of Al Mobadara

<p>The orphanages of the Al Mobadara association of Temara and Kenitra ...

Agenda 2021-10-09
First day of the association's orphans' school

<p>After a long summer vacation, the resumption of school arrives, thi ...

Agenda 2021-10-04
Resumption of life in the orphanages of the association

<p>The first day of the resumption of life in the orphanages of the as ...

Agenda 2021-09-30
Equipment of the Koranic school by Al Mobadara

<p>The Al Mobadara association participated in the equipment of the Ko ...

Agenda 2021-09-20
Upgrade of the Dar Mobdioune Orphanage in Temara

<p style="direction: ltr; text-align: left;">As part of the improvemen ...

Agenda 2021-09-11
The Life of a Social Worker in Al Mobadara

<p>The social worker plays a very important role in the follow-up, com ...

Agenda 2021-09-09
Surgery for straightening the spine

<p>The Almobadara association performed surgery for a 14-year-old girl ...

Agenda 2021-09-01
Their teaching... will secure their futures

<p>The association initiative for social solidarity "Almobadara" organ ...

Agenda 2021-08-28
Al Mobadara builds a well in the Ouarzazat region

<p>Water is a vital element for our lives, but unfortunately there are ...

Agenda 2021-08-24
Bac: 66% success rate with honors for our orphans

<p>This year of 2021, the overall success rate of orphans of the Al Mo ...

Agenda 2021-07-14
Discover the selection criteria for Orphans

<p>Al Mobadara association programs tests for the selection of orphans ...

Agenda 2021-07-10
Organization of two days on the management of orphanages

<p>As part of the improvement of living conditions in orphanages manag ...

Agenda 2021-07-02
Al Mobadara performs a surgical pperation

<p>The Al Mobadara association continues to make its interventions in ...

Agenda 2021-06-25
Exam atmosphere at the Rohamae Training Centre

<p>The beneficiaries of the Rohama training center managed by the Al M ...

Agenda 2021-06-23
100% success rate for Baccalaureate holders: Dar Raidate Orphanage

<p>After a year of perseverance and excellence, the orphans with a bac ...

Agenda 2021-06-21
Orphans with a baccalaureate benefit from an orientation session

<p>For a better orientation of our orphans with a bachelor's degree, t ...

Agenda 2021-06-13
Al Mobadara Performs Heart Surgery

<p>Thanks to the charity of donors, the Al Mobadara association was ab ...

Agenda 2021-06-11
Activities For Orphans-D' Al Mobadara

<p>Al Mobadara association carries out support activities for orphans ...

Agenda 2021-06-08
Talents of the Dar Raidate orphanages

<p>Orphan Khadija is among the beneficiaries of the Dar Raidate orphan ...

Agenda 2021-06-02
Orphanages run by the Al Mobadara association

<p>The Al Mobadara association manages two orphanages for the receptio ...

Agenda 2021-05-28
Organisation des Séances de Judo A l'Orphelinat Dar Raidate

Les séances de Judo au sein de l'orphelinat Dar Raidate,qui sont faveu ...

Agenda 2021-05-20
Ramadan basket campaign 2021-1442

<p>The association al mobadara was able to distribute 1903 baskets in ...

Agenda 2021-05-12
Signature of the EMF Management Agreement

<p>Signature of an agreement with the National Mutual Aid for the mana ...

Agenda 2021-05-04
Quranic session at the Dar Raidate Orphanage

<p>The orphanage "Dar Raidate" is one of the social welfare centers ru ...

Agenda 2021-05-03
Distribution of Ftour and ready-to-wear meals

<p>The Almobadara association organized an activity to distribute Ftou ...

Agenda 2021-04-30
Evolution of the Ramadan campaign 2021-1442

<p>After the launch of the 2021-1442 Ramadan campaign, Al mobadara ass ...

Agenda 2021-04-19
Celebration of International Women's Day

<p>The Al Mobadara centers did not fail to celebrate on March 8 the In ...

Agenda 2021-03-08
Academic results first semester 2020-2021

<p>The orphans of Al mobadara association continue to prove the merit ...

Agenda 2021-03-03
RMA subsidy

<p>As part of the education and independence of widows, the Al Mobadar ...

Agenda 2021-02-25
Widows' awareness session on RMAs

As part of Almobadara's strategic vision to build the capacity of disa ...

Agenda 2021-02-21
Hemodialysis equipment facilities

<p>In order to renew the equipment of the hemodialysis center in Temar ...

Agenda 2021-02-10
Children's workshop

During a morning of DIY activities, the children of the Dar Moubdioune ...

Agenda 2021-02-09
Digging drinking water wells

<p>The Almobadara association participates in the national drinking wa ...

Agenda 2021-01-23
Review of surgical operations for 2020

<p>During the year 2020, the Al Mobadara Association was able to perfo ...

Agenda 2020-12-31
Forest excursion

The girls from Dar Raidate center went out to the Kenitra forest as pa ...

Agenda 2020-12-09
Speech workshop

As part of their winter holiday programme, the children of the social ...

Agenda 2020-12-08
Distribution of food parcels

<p>The Al Mobadara association distributed food parcels to poor famili ...

Agenda 2020-07-04
Eid Al-Adha 1441-2020

This campaign consists of distributing the sheep of Aid Al-Adha 1441 f ...

Agenda 2020-06-27
Campagne Eid aladha 2019-1440

Distribution of a small living sheep for each family before the feast ...

Agenda 2019-07-09
Medical support for needy patients

<p>The Al Mobadara association has financed surgical operations, medic ...

Agenda 2020-06-30
Report of the solidarity campaign

<p>Here is the report of the solidarity campaign to support poor famil ...

Agenda 2020-06-05
Solidarity campaign: Week 1

<p>After the launch of the solidarity campaign "Confinés Solidaire" by ...

Agenda 2020-03-31
Distance learning

<p>In the case of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Al Mobadara Association p ...

Agenda 2020-03-16
Solidarity campaign

<p>As part of the fight against the impact of the Covid-19 coronavirus ...

Agenda 2020-03-09

<p>During the month of March, the Al Mobadara Association took charge ...

Agenda 2020-03-03
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Image esthétique
Image esthétique